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Friday, April 04, 2014
By Brianna Soloski
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Felicia Events: Keepbooth is a pretty unique idea. Tell us a little bit about the concept and what led you to come up with it.

KeepBooth: We came up with KeepBooth after we got married and realized that we were missing most of the photos that were taken at our wedding. Some of our friends sent us the photos they took but we knew that there were many others that we never saw. We wanted to make something simple that would make it easier for people to keep photos taken by guests at their weddings.

Felicia Events: Keepbooth is a great way for a lot of people to share a lot of photos easily. How have people reacted to the project? What draws people to use something like Keepbooth for their wedding?

KeepBooth: Brides and grooms really like how convenient KeepBooth is. All of their wedding photos appear in one place on their dashboard and they're accessible immediately after guests send them. It's also more inclusive than products that require an app; guests who do not have a smartphone are still able to participate and send photos. The crowd favorite is definitely the slideshow, though. People love the idea of having a real-time slideshow projected during their reception.

Felicia Events: In an age of sharing on social media, what are some benefits of a private service like Keepbooth?

KeepBooth: KeepBooth's privacy is great because brides and grooms are able to modify and select which photos they would like everyone to see. If there is a photo they don't want in the real-time slideshow, they can choose to leave it out. They also don't have to look through hundreds of photos scattered across different social media sites in order to find all the photos. Everything is located in one convenient place.


Felicia Events: What do you think about a real-time slideshow of photos sent by guests via email (instead of asking guests to download a special 'app')?

KeepBooth: Emailing the photos as opposed to downloading an app allows everyone to participate. Everyone has email, but not everyone has a smartphone. Guests without smart phones are able to see their photos in the real-time slideshow as well!

Felicia Events: Would you ever be interested in offering KeepBooth discounts to your clients?

KeepBooth: Sure. We occasionally offer free promo codes to customers and other partners in the wedding industry.

Felicia Events: How well does each level sell? Do more couples choose the $59.99 option over the $39.99 option? What about the free option?

KeepBooth: Most couples choose the premium event package ($59.99) because that's the package that includes the real-time slideshow. The free option is still great if you want all your photos to be in one convenient place, although there is a limit of 100 photos. The paid option for $39.99 includes unlimited photos and full resolution downloads of all the photos.


Thank you Keepbooth for sharing!